Each year over 44 million Americans actively try to lose weight, spending $40 billion on diet foods, pills, and special regimens. Yet 90 to 95 percent fail to keep off the weight and gain back more than they lost. What can you do to keep of the pounds? Is there a safe, permanent way to lose weight? How can you prevent or overcome eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating?

Psychologist Deirdra Price is an author, speaker, and seminar leader who helps women, men, and children address food issues and avoid weight control problems. She uses a practical, holistic approach that focuses on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues surrounding food. As president and C.E.O. of Diet Free Solution® a program to help people prevent or overcome food, weight, and body image issues, Dr. Price's insights into human behavior allow individuals to uncover the reasons behind their unhealthy, undesirable eating habits. She helps them think clearly and honestly about the emotions that drive them to abuse food. Whether nagged by an extra 10 pounds, overwhelmed by layers of excess weight, or starving to be thin, there is a Diet Free Solution®.

Once you know why you eat, you can work on the behaviors that cause the compulsion. Dr. Price believes if you can learn new behaviors, manage your emotions, change your negative beliefs, and honor your spirit, you can reshape your body into a healthy size and shape.

Topics Tailored to Your Audience

Dr. Price speaks on all aspects of weight management and eating disorders. Her talks and seminars bring to life the message of her comprehensive self-help workbook Healing the Hungry Self: The Diet-Free Solution to Lifelong Weight Management. Choose among the following Diet Free Solution® topics or ask her to create a session especially for your group or organization.

  • Healing the Hungry Self: The Diet-Free Solution to Lifelong Weight Management
  • Nutrition in the '90s: Eat Your Way to a Healthy Weight
  • Are You a Diet Hostage? Seven Steps to Freedom
  • Get Moving! Exercise to Burn Fat Without Burning Out
  • The ABC's of Eating Disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Overeating
  • Curbing Emotional Hunger: Why You Eat is as Important as What You Eat
  • Overcoming Fear of Fat: How to Feed Yourself Positive Thoughts and Acceptance
  • Counter Your Critic: Stop Negative Beliefs That Drive Food Abuse
  • Facing Food Phobias With Kids: Teaching Non-Emotional Eating and Self-Love
  • Whether you desire a one-hour talk, a half- or full-day seminar, or a weekend workshop, Dr. Price will design a session that is both educational and entertaining. Participants will come away with insightful worksheets and practical tips to change the way they think about and use food. Workshops and seminars can also incorporate Healing the Hungry Self as a springboard for self-discovery and as a change agent to stop the fierce cycle of uncontrollable eating, starving, yo-yo dieting, or purging.

    Weight Control Affects Everyone

    Dr. Price's advice can help anyone who wants to live a healthier, more balanced life. Her audiences range from hospital administrators and staff, physicians, allied health professionals, businesspeople, women's groups, teachers, coaches, parents, teenagers, psychology students, and the general public. Every participant discovers new tools to manage the way they think about and react to food.

  • Hospital Staff/Health Professionals/Psychology Students - Appreciate the psychology behind eating disorders and weight management problems. Learn techniques that help patients overcome the physical, mental, and emotional issues that take them hostage.
  • Businesspeople- Learn to eat healthily, choose wisely from restaurant menus, reduce fat while traveling, exercise on the go, and avoid stress-induced eating.
  • Women - Find out why you overeat, understand that there are no "bad" foods, learn to plan quick but healthy meals, and discover how to avoid using food as a comforter and escape mechanism.
  • Men - Gain insights on how to make smart food choices, identify food habits that put on the pounds, and understand why exercise can keep off the pounds.
  • Parents, Coaches, Teachers - Help kids develop healthy attitudes towards food and body image, identify peer pressure that prompts eating disorders, and recognize how adults inadvertently push kids to develop unhealthy desires for thin or muscular bodies, be if for sports, modeling, dancing, or sheer good looks.
  • Teenagers - Recognize signs of unhealthy body concepts and eating disorders that result from a constant quest for an unattainable "ideal." Find ways to boost self-esteem and say "no" to unsafe dieting, bingeing, or purging.
  • Book Your Talk Today

    Dr. Price is ready to address your audience. Contact Deirdra Price, Ph.D. to see how she can meet your presentation/seminar needs.